Comments on: 63 Easy Backpacking Food Ideas Tue, 24 Oct 2023 08:34:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Total horse puckey/ hike with z grape Nuts, dried berries, milk powder for breakfast. Lunch is hot soup and crackers plus cheese and salami. Dinner is another dried soup, pasta and cheese, and fresh or dehydrated fruit. Hot cowboy coffee for breakfast and plenty of cold water. Your meal suggests are for pansies.

By: Sarah Majerus Thanks for all the great suggestions! I am a vegetarian looking to expand my options! Also, great pictures 🙂 I recognize many of them as camp spots on the JMT that I also stayed at on my thru-hike in August, 2019. Cheers!

By: Selina Backcountry Wok is my favourite dehydrated meal brand for backpacking. They make yummy vegan Asian dishes and their packaging is 100% compostable.

By: Mile High Mike This is a great list! I’ll use it to supplement my daily diet of Grape Nuts every meal, every day.

By: The Earth Online Catalog In reply to Survival techie.

Have you tried any of the ramen with cleaner ingredients? Mike’s Mighty, Lotus Foods, Koyo, Thai Kitchen? They are yummy and ain’t as salty.

By: Mick Flannigan Great article. A lot of good information there. Pack it gourmet has some nice no cook, cold water options.

By: Mary Excellent info. Thank you for the research and sharing!

By: Carole Spencer Thanks so much for your article–extensive resources of food. For the beginners, it is a treasure trove saving us a lot of hardships and dissappointments.
Thanks again.

By: Logan Your blog is incredible! easily the most helpful and thorough in all the articles i’ve read so far!

By: Dusty In reply to Fresh Off The Grid.

Asian stores have round ramen noodle cakes, a little smaller than the square ramen cake packets. They do not have all the sodium and are not oil fried. They come in packages of usually 8 or 16 cakes, with no flavor packets, and cook in the same 3 min. You can add a little boullion (Orrington Farm), Celtic Sea Salt (mineral rich) etc.

I take 2-3 round cakes and crumble them, drop in boiling water and add a little Chinese 5 spice powder, a good squirt of soy sauce, then when almost cooked, add 4-5 eggs, and about 1/2 tsp dark sesame oil, or other oil, cook till done, and that is a good meal for 2. A plastic bottle of soy sauce is always in my pack, along with other spices. I saw a picture of a large/XL one week pill holder with 7 compartments that snap shut, holding 7 spices, I need to try that.
